PSHE stands for Personal, Social and Health Education whilst RSE is Relationships and Sex Education. The RSE/PSHE objectives in our intent are taken from the national curriculum and are based upon the following key themes: family, friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships, being safe and health and wellbeing.
The aim is for children to develop their knowledge, deepen their understanding and acquire skills to successfully navigate their way in the ever changing world around them. The objectives are progressively sequenced throughout each year group to reflect a child’s journey as they grow through school and have an increased awareness of the world and others around them.
Children begin by learning the main principles of what a family is, people who care for them and what is a friend. From the outset, children learn how we are all different and unique and how to respect this. They then start to explore different types of relationships and look at strategies to overcome any issues they may endure. The impact of online relationships and boundaries is explored and children look at ways of how to seek help if they feel unsafe.

Children also learn how to foster positive health and wellbeing. From looking at healthy and unhealthy food to learning about key characteristics of leading a healthy lifestyle (exercise, sleep etc) and as children develop and grow physically, they learn about changes in puberty, the dangers of drugs and alcohol and how to deliver first aid.
The RSE/PSHE curriculum is delivered by teachers using a variety of interactive teaching methods. This includes class discussions, role plays, scenarios, quizzes, videos, written tasks, posters, mind maps, assemblies and other age appropriate activities. External visitors and agencies also deliver workshops, talks and assemblies to further enhance children’s learning experience.
Lessons build on previous learning, encourage ideas to be shared and introduce strategies and advice that can be used in real life situations.
Lessons are recorded in a multitude of ways including on iPads, photographic evidence, videos, displays, self made posters and worksheets. All lessons are accessible through appropriately differentiated activities.
RSE/PSHE compliments a variety of other curriculum areas including British Values, RE, Computing, Science and PE and is closely linked with our whole school values and ethos. Hummersea Primary School celebrates individuals’ achievements through a weekly achievement assembly, enables children to have an active voice in key matters (Safeguarding superheroes, Headstarters – mental health champions), and hosts a variety of events throughout the school year inviting family in to participate with the children. All of this builds a solid foundation of creating a positive self outlook and positive relationships.
The RSE/PHSE curriculum strives to equip children with essential skills and strategies to utilise in today’s modern life. As they grow through school, children will…
Have respect for themselves and others
Have an appreciation for differences
Develop positive friendships and relationships with those around them
Possess the tools to solve conflicts/problems
Gain an understanding of their emotions and how to manage them
Be able to look after their mental health and wellbeing
Develop a positive self esteem
Show resilience to keep trying when things prove difficult/keep changing
Recognise what is unsafe and know how to seek help
Children will leave Hummersea Primary School as exemplary model members of the local community and be ready to embrace the wider world around them.