Music Curriculum Overview
The music objectives in our intent are taken from the national curriculum and are sequenced in line with the end of Key Stage objectives for KS1 and KS2. The intent in EYFS forms part of the Expressive Arts and Design Curriculum. The lessons are sequenced so that children build on some prior knowledge and experience aswell as learning new skills as they progress through school. The objectives are written so that children clearly understand the skills they are learning. Children are encouraged to develop a secure knowledge and understanding of music experience (substantive) alongside acquiring skills which can be built upon based on the ability of the children (disciplinary).
Music at Hummersea focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and building on prior learning. Children access timetabled, high-quality lessons, which enable children with time and opportunities to develop their music understanding and skills. Teachers create a series of lessons to develop children’s music knowledge and experience with the support of the ‘Music Express’ scheme. During lessons all children are given support to embed the knowledge required to achieve the I can statements. A typical lesson may include; retrieval of previous learning, exposure to new skills and opportunity to use or implement these skills to achieve the objective. Children are provided with instruments and technology which allows them to explore the inter-related dimensions of music. All children across school are encouraged to work independently or collaboratively to meet the I can statements. In some year groups, children are taught by a specialist music teacher from Tees Valley Music Service.
Learning in music is recorded in a variety of ways but primarily the work is practical so videos and photographs are the most common approaches. Children are also involved in small group and whole school performances within lesson time and in the wider community.
Music is recognised for its unique power over individuals’ physical, mental and emotional health. We want children to enjoy, demonstrate and showcase their musical skills and successes. Throughout their learning, children develop skills which the can use in further education and life.