Please click on the link below to view our History overview for each year group.
History is often abstract and difficult for children to understand. We have therefore mapped our history curriculum to focus initially on our rich local history, broadening out to British History and then History of the Wider World. Though this, our aim is to provide an exciting and engaging curriculum that helps children to place historical learning in relevant and broader contexts.
The history objectives are taken from the national curriculum and are clearly sequenced for each year group. Topics are chosen on complexity which build on prior learning from previous year groups. Our history curriculum is broad and balanced and has a clear purpose which is focused on progression, knowledge and skills. Objectives and lessons are regularly reviewed. Literacy texts are linked to history and writing to embed and contextualise learning.

Children begin learning local history in each year group, so they have a good starting point for learning and understanding about their heritage. They do this by revisiting prior learning to understand the natures and concepts of different topics so they can understand what the past was like. Children are given opportunities to go on trips linked to the learning that has been taught to make it meaningful and bringing history to life. The learning then progresses onto British history to broaden children’s knowledge before moving on to learn about the wider world.

Implementation – What does History look like at Hummersea Primary?
History is purposefully planned to build on knowledge, understanding and cross-curricular links. Resources such as timelines and displays are used so children can revisit their learning and use prior knowledge in new learning. We strive to provide excellent lessons and a range of quality experiences in and outside of school through educational visits and experiences to ensure a thorough coverage of the national curriculum. We aim to provide opportunities to develop children’s interests along with quality first teaching and assessment of attainment to ensure progression. All children work independently or collaboratively to meet the ‘I can ‘ statements. We provide opportunities for learning for all children which they may not be exposed to outside of school, including children with SEND. Children with SEND access the curriculum through adaptive learning, support and scaffolding. History is delivered through a block of lessons over a half term with a specific focus each term. Children learn about figures from history that have contributed to national and international achievements, with an emphasis on those who defied expectations to change the world around them. We have chosen topics carefully to make sense of the world today which link to our values of resilience, determination and respect. The learning from history will influence understanding and outcomes in other areas of the curriculum, particularly evident in English.

Our children will develop the knowledge and skills to be able to talk about a range of historical topics and understand how they relate to our local area and wider world. Children will have a desire to learn more about the past which will help them to understand the world they live in now and what has come before.
By the time children leave Year 6 ready for Key Stage 3, we want children to have a good knowledge of the chronology of British history and wider history to make connections of key events and changes. Children will be able to use historical language appropriately.