Early Years Foundation Stage
Here at Hummersea, our Early Years curriculum is carefully designed to promote curiosity, excitement and to develop a love for learning. We believe that the core principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage are developed around the unique child and we consider the need of every individual.

Our curriculum is delivered using a progression map that is designed using the Statutory Framework and Development Matters non-statutory guidance. The progression map focuses on the 7 areas of learning and is underpinned by the characteristics of effective learning. Staff at Hummersea embed the Characteristics of effective learning through highly enthusiastic teaching, a deep knowledge of the children and meaningful interactions. Where necessary, the ‘I can statements’ are broken down into smaller steps to support the needs of our children. Our Early Years Foundation Stage includes a two year old provision, Nursery and Reception. Each of the year groups within the Early Years Foundation Stage at Hummersea, work collaboratively to ensure the best outcomes for children.
The Early Years Foundation Stage progression map operates on a two year rolling program. This ensures that a range of topics are taught to the children exposing them to a wealth of vocabulary and experiences throughout their time in Early Years. The curriculum is fun, exciting and vocabulary rich. We start with teaching the basic skills that children need to develop and then build on them accordingly in each class. The staff use the progression map as checkpoints to identify which children are on track throughout the year and which child may need some additional support.
At Hummersea, we know that the Early Years Foundation Stage is the first point of contact for parents and families. Staff work closely with parents to ensure the best outcomes for all children. Family links are made through daily interactions between staff and parents. Each morning there is dedicated time for families to work with their children alongside Early Years Staff, to support learning. In addition to this, an open-door policy is integral to our Early Years and getting children off to the best possible start. Children with Special education needs and disabilities are supported by staff using the school SEND system and this information is shared with parents each half term.
At Hummersea, we believe that continuous provision is an integral part of ensuring high level interactions and entails a combination of both adult-led and child-initiated opportunities. Each half term, all staff in the Early Years Foundation Stage meet to discuss each topic and the continuous provision, allowing time to reflect and discuss plans for future provision. It is clear from each learning environment, indoors and outdoors, which topics are being covered and that all areas of the provision include the relevant resources to support learning. All adults in the Early Years Foundation Stage know what is included in each area of the provision and why.
Teaching and planning is objective-led to ensure all children are provided with the experiences and the education they need to gain life skills and progress throughout school. Each class has a daily group time to ensure children are exposed to new vocabulary, stories, celebrations, key events and exploring the world around them. Adult-led sessions are delivered in the two year old provision through short circle times. In Nursery, teachers use stories and lead-in sessions to promote learning. In Reception, staff use short inputs to introduce stories, skills and vocabulary. All lead in sessions and inputs are based around high quality texts. Previous learning is revisited daily with children through both verbal discussions and our Early Years learning journey display.
All year groups then embed learning by providing the time for children to explore the continuous provision indoors and outdoors. Adults will then work alongside children to ensure high quality meaningful interactions to extend learning. Focused adult-led activities also run alongside children working in the continuous provision to support learning. Outdoors, adults support children from all of the Early Years classes whilst working in the continuous provision and to set clear expectations. This is achieved through strong relationships, where adults and children enjoy discussions to promote curiosity, resilience and enthusiasm. It is through these strong relationships that we support our children when transitioning throughout the setting. In the Early Years Foundation stage at Hummersea, adults observe children throughout the day. Adults are specially trained on when to intervene in play to extend and when to stand back to observe. Adults record observarions children using interactive software ‘Evidence Me’. These observations then inform planning, next steps and assessments. The observations are then shared with parents termly using ‘Evidence Me Parent Share’.
Staff in the EYFS meet regularly to discuss what is working well within the setting and what we can do to support learning moving forward. Staff attend CPD sessions which are delivered by outside agencies or the EYFS Lead. Teaching staff within EYFS also attend EYFS network meetings on a regular basis.
At Hummersea, we strive to provide children with a range of experiences, trips and new opportunities linked to each of the topics. Our Hummersea curriculum also ensures a range of experiences for children who may not encounter these opportunities. Cultural capital is addressed everyday. Children from all backgrounds are provided with a language rich environment, not only throough high-quality texts in the setting, but language rich interactions with staff. Celebrations and British values are intertwined throughout the progression maps to provide a range of experiences, promote discussions, encourage children to share their ideas and to promote tolerance and respect for each other and different beliefs.
At Hummersea, we know that the Early Years plays a crucial part in promoting a love for reading. Daily song and story sessions are included in the daily timetable to ensure children are exposed to stories to develop a love of reading. Carefully selected texts and vocabulary underpins the progression maps and all aspects of teaching. In the Early Years, we teach systematic synthetic phonics using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics program. Children in the two year old provision start their phonics journey by developing communication and listening skills, leading to children starting to show some phonological awareness. The children in Nursery, use the Foundations for phonics Little Wandle program, focusing on oral blending and segmenting through fun and interactive sessions. In Reception, children then start phase 2 phonics following the Little Wandle program.
Hummersea 2 Yr Old Provision Progression Map Rolling Program 1
Hummersea 2 Yr Old Provision Progression Map Rolling Program 2
Hummersea Nursery Progression Map Rolling Program 1
Hummersea Nursery Progression Map Rolling Program 2
Hummersea Reception Progression Map Rolling Program 1
Hummersea Reception Progression Map Rolling Program 2
When children reach the end of the Early Years Foundation stage at Hummersea Primary, we aim for all children to have made progress academically, emotionally, socially and physically. This then supports children to have the best chance of securing the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need when entering Year 1, and to support their journey through school. Most children enter Year 1with a secure knowledge of the Early Years curriculum and a good phonetical foundation for future learning. Early Years and Year 1 staff work closely to support children in this transition. This includes looking at assessments, sharing ‘Evidence me’ data and moderating work.
We want children in our setting to dream big and to think of themselves are writers, artists, mathematicians, community members, plus much more. At Hummersea we encourage the children ‘To be the best they can be’ and that self-belief starts in the Early Years.