Hummersea Computing Curriculum Overview
As a school, we feel it is important to prepare our children for the future use of technology in their daily lives and careers. Our Computing curriculum aims to teach learners to be safe, proficient and creative user of technology. The computing objectives in our intent are taken from the national curriculum and are sequenced carefully for each year group. Each year, the intent builds on students’ prior learning. They are written in a child friendly, accessible way so that children understand what they will achieve by the end of each lesson (or series of lessons.) The EYFS objectives were created taking into consideration ability and requirements for year 1 readiness. Objectives are constantly reviewed and intent rewritten to make allowances for changes in trends e.g. ability of children.

Alongside our computing curriculum, we are trailblazers in using apple ‘Schoolwork’ across most subjects. This allows children to access curriculum content, add photos, sound buttons and to reply to teacher feedback electronically. We aim for all children to be computer fluent. Schoolwork allows us to reinforce the skills taught in the computing curriculum whilst also providing accessibility for all pupils.
Every year group has I can statements linked to 3 areas of computing (computer science, information technology, digital literacy). Digital literacy is broken into 2 parts with 1 part always being internet safety. Teachers will review previous learning and then build an awareness of what to teach and skills already learned. Teachers create a series of lessons to develop these skills further, with the I can statements being the intended outcome.
All children across schoolwork independently or collaboratively to meet the I can statements and develop high levels of computing and problem solving skills. We provide computing opportunities for all children, which they may not be exposed to outside of school. This is regardless of their background or ability, including children with SEND. Because of the content of our curriculum, children with SEND access the curriculum through differentiation, support and scaffolding. They have the same opportunities to achieve the I can statements as others.
Computing teaching is delivered by our own teaching staff who have been provided with CPD and support, enabling them to have the skills to deliver computing lessons and use technology in the classroom. Every child has their own Individual iPad and their work can be saved to their own device. Computing is covered at least once a term and given the required amount of time to achieve the objectives e.g. some units of work may need three afternoons in a week where another unit may need more or less. Lessons are often taught over subsequent days, rather than once a week for a number of weeks. This means that we can deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, giving objectives the required time needed.
Technology is everywhere and we want to help prepare students for real world situations. We need children to have the knowledge and skills to be digital citizens for further education and life. Throughout their education, children develop skills so that they can use a range of computing competently.