Please click on the link below to view our Art overview for each year group.
At Hummersea, our Art curriculum is designed following the national curriculum. The foundations for art are laid in EYFS beginning with initial mark making. Children begin making marks in 2 Year Olds using their fingers to explore paint and discovering the marks they can make. This develops in Nursery and Reception where children begin using a range of tools to explore making marks including using pencils and paintbrushes more competently and independently. The EYFS intent ensures that children have the ability and requirements for Year 1 readiness. Art skills are then built on throughout each year group up to Year 6. This is taught through working on practical skills (including use of tools, drawing and painting), exploring the techniques of artists/designers and reflecting on their work. Children are given the opportunity to use their theoretical knowledge to develop their own art skills and artistic flare. We value that every child is an artist.

Every year group has I can statements linked to the 3 areas of art (Practical, Theoretical and Reflective). Teachers provide children with time at the start of the lesson to reflect on previous learning by reviewing their sketch books and discussing the skills they have already acquired. Our Hummersea sketch books showcase the children’s artwork progressing throughout their school life as they take their books with them. This gives an excellent opportunity for children to reflect on previous learning. Teachers then create a series of lessons which builds on these. We encourage teaching staff to record each stage of the creative process for example, theoretical understanding, practical exploration of key skills and the final product. All children can access art as a result of our core value that ‘every child is an artist’. The teaching in each year is differentiated through support where necessary to allow children to achieve the I can statements. We promote resilience and determination across the subject as children are challenged to create their own unique pieces of artwork.

Staff are provided with support to plan and deliver engaging lessons to promote creativity. Whole school art initiatives are carefully planned each term to allow children to contribute to a whole school art project. This allows children to take ownership of their own artistic interests and produce their own piece of artwork using the skills they’ve learnt. At Hummersea, we celebrate Art through annual national events including World Art Day.
Art is intertwined across the curriculum linking to subjects such as History to broaden children’s understanding and provide context/purpose for their learning. We provide children with an opportunity to explore the wider community to support them in producing artwork based on natural environments linking to Geography lessons. We celebrate our artistic achievements by creating school displays and promoting our excellent artwork on our social media page.
Through the teaching of art, we strive to foster a love of art celebrating every piece of artwork and valuing what the children have produced. Promoting creativity encourages children to be proud of their work not only in art but across the curriculum. Dedicated reflection time in each lesson, ensures children develop respect for their own and others work. Assessments are completed at the end of each sequence of lessons reflecting on the I can statements which provides teachers with an opportunity to highlight any further development points. Throughout their time at Hummersea, children are encouraged to be the best they can be. In Art we promote this by linking art to the wider community and promoting enthusiasm to produce artwork outside of lesson time.