Local Offer for Children
How does the school know if I need extra help?
Your teacher will be checking your understanding, in each subject, and if you are having problems will speak to you and your parents.
The head teacher and other staff will also be checking your progress.
The school might ask a specialist to work with you for a short time. They will then help the school meet your needs.
What should I do if I think I need extra help?
If you are having a problem you can speak to a teacher, teaching assistant or the head teacher.
Your parents can contact a member of staff at any time.
How will my schoolwork be organised to meet my individual needs?
All children take part in every area of the curriculum.
Your teacher will provide you with work that is at your level, so that if you work hard you can achieve success.
Sometimes you may have extra support from a member of staff.
All children are expected to try their best.
How will I be involved in planning for my needs?
Through out the year all children have targets that they need to achieve to improve their work. When these are met new targets are set.
If you have other needs these will be discussed each term at a meeting with you and your parents. You will be able to say what you feel you need and talk about what you have achieved. Your views will be taken into consideration when the plan is written.
Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent?
Your teacher or teaching assistant will tell you how you can improve and become more independent.
They will also tell you how you are doing and what you need to do next.
Your work will be marked and talked about with you. You will have the chance to respond to the marking and show you have understood.
Older children will be told what grade they are at each half term and how they can improve. You will be given a target to achieve.
You will also have a support plan were we will all plan your next steps.
What should I do if I am worried about my school work?
If you are worried about your school work you should talk to your teacher and your parents.
Your teacher will also help you with other concerns if they can. But they might need to ask other people to speak to you.
How will I know who can help me?
Your teacher and teaching assistant are always there to help you but other staff and children will also help if they can.
Miss Whaley will help you find out what other activities you can do at playtimes, dinnertimes and after school.
Every one can join in the activities that are for your age group, but but you may need to wait for a place being available.
There is also a breakfast club run by Mrs Mcloughlin, Mr Passman, Shirley and Mandy the school cook. They will all support you. They provide breakfast and then the children can get the games out in the hall, play music and dance or go to a quiet room and read books or draw pictures.
What help is there to get ready to start school?
Very young children will come with their parents and visit the school together. Their parents may stay with them for a while until they are settled.
Older children, starting the school, will be supported by the teachers, staff and other children.
When you move to the senior school your teacher will pass on all your records and make sure your new teacher knows your needs.