Curriculum Overview
At Hummersea Primary School we have devised a curriculum with our children at the heart. Our curriculum aims to meet the needs of the individual by developing their knowledge and skills in line with the National curriculum.
We provide a wide range of educational experiences and teaching methods to encourage a positive approach to learning and we ensure children have the necessary knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes to equip them for the future, whatever that may be. By having an effective school curriculum the children will develop self esteem, confidence, self discipline and the ability to make the best of themselves as they take their place in society. The school will, as far as possible, ensure the entitlement of each child to:
- A curriculum which is broad and balanced and based on the requirements of the National Curriculum.
- A curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children in school.
- A curriculum which prepares children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Please click on individual subject areas following ‘Curriculum Subjects’ in the menu bar for more information and our curriculum overviews. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss any aspect of what is taught at Hummersea Primary School, please contact the school office.