Hummersea Primary School is maintained by Redcar and Cleveland Local Authority. From Reception upwards, requests for places at our school are dealt with directly by the Redcar and Cleveland Admissions Team.
Parents must apply for a school place for every child moving from nursery to reception, or primary to secondary school.
Admission to the Nursery is normally open to children resident within our catchment area. It is on an ‘oldest first’ basis. Children’s names can be put onto a waiting list at the Nursery or the school office.
For Reception, our Planned Admission Number (PAN) for September 2025 is 30. The admissions criteria will be applied on an equal preference basis, in accordance with our admissions criteria. Please see our Admissions policy for more information.
Parents/carers considering applying for a place at Hummersea Primary School are welcome to visit the school by appointment. We look forward to meeting you.
Secondary Transition
Children are well supported with their transition to secondary school. We value our transition work with local schools and organise a programme of activities and visits to ensure that we do everything in our power to ensure a smooth and successful transition for our pupils.
How to Apply
All applications for a school place, including mid-year transfers, must be made on the Local Authority Common Application Form. Please contact them using the links below to find out more about our admission arrangements.
- Admissions Number (01642 837740/ 837730 /837702)
- The Choice Adviser (01642 444539). Opening hours: Mon-Thu: 08:30-17:00, Fri: 08.30-16:30
- Alternatively you can e-mail: