01287 641781 | School Contact: Mrs Barrett |SENDCO: Mrs M Marshall | Head Teacher: Mrs C Grainger | office@hummersea.rac.sch.uk

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Phonics & Reading

Reading has a strong focus throughout our curriculum and is an important part of our daily experiences at Hummersea. We aim to provide a high quality reading offer to all children so that they experience a wide variety of texts from different authors, cultures and contexts and develop a love of reading. We have created our own whole school offer on how we achieve this as well as a reading spine of key texts each year group will access over the year. Please click on the links below for more information:

Hummersea Reading Offer

Hummersea Reading Spine

Our systematic approach to the teaching of early reading and phonics will ensure that most children can read fluently by the end of KS1.

We follow the Little Wandle programme of teaching SSP as we believe that this gives all the children at Hummersea the skills and resources they need to begin their reading and writing journey. This journey starts in our 2 Year Olds provision and Nursery, where Foundations to phonics is used. Little Wandle teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly, and compose their ideas step-by-step. Engaging, phonic books are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and ‘tricky’ words and, as children re-read the stories, their fluency increases.

All our enthusiastic teachers and teaching assistants are well-trained to teach and assess using Little Wandle. Our early reading and phonics leader supports staff to review progress to ensure that children are in a group matched to their reading level. Gaps are filled quickly and the emphasis on small group teaching is effective and enjoyable. To support teachers in continuing to deliver high-quality phonics lessons, regularly training and updates are provided to staff.

For more information on the Little Wandle programme and some useful resources for supporting your child, please click on the link below:


Our weekly reading comprehension across school, and daily Guided Reading in KS2, covers a variety of fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts and help to advance the children’s comprehension skills focusing on the reading domains of Vocabulary, inference, prediction, explaining, retrieval, sequence and summary. 

Once children exit, the LW programme and pass the fluency assessment, they are enrolled on Accelerated Reader and take part in daily reading and quizzing on books. When finished a book, children, take part in a short, fun quiz on the Ipad. Passing the quiz with over 85% is an indication that children understand what they are reading and this is rewarded and celebrated in Friday’s celebration assembly, with the class with the highest percentage receiving a reward. 

The Accelerated Reader system is used to manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice regularly, along with teacher assessments and this is overseen termly by the English Lead. Using the STAR reading test scores gives children appropriate book levels for independent reading and they can select their own books from our Accelerated Reader Library.

Children are encouraged to read at home at least three times a week and parents are encouraged to read at home with them and sign reading records. Teachers check reading records regularly.

All children from Early Years through to Year 6, participate in daily Reading for Pleasure sessions. These are 10-15 minute sessions where all children are read to by their class teachers, experiencing high quality, engaging texts, that promote a love of reading to all. Each class teacher has a selection of books that have been carefully selected to cover a range of text types, themes and cultures and are suitable for whole class discussion.

Class Teachers promote the love of reading, by displaying books they have already read, and current books, on displays providing an engaging book display area in the classroom, to promote a culture of recommending books to each other.

We have invited authors into our school to work with our children on a regular basis, to not only promote reading for pleasure, but for children to read as writers and write as readers. We also have strong links with our local library and organise regular trips (termly from EYFS-Y6) so the children can experience this. 

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